FlyBy Viagens aims to be a bridge between its customers and users to purchase airline tickets at reduced prices.
Our mission is to provide the best intermediation service for acquiring miles, with excellence in customer service, bringing transformative solutions to the travel market.
FlyBy Viagens' Privacy Policy seeks to maintain the security of information collected from its users and keep their data safe and in absolute confidentiality, through encryption techniques. The use of the FlyBy Viagens website and filling out the form for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information is the user's express authorization for the terms thereof, consenting to the practices described, all prepared in accordance with Brazilian legislation, the Marco Civil da Internet and LGPD – General Data Protection Law. The voluntary inclusion of data by users authorizes FlyBy Viagens to use them for commercial transactions to buy or sell miles.

Access to the FlyBy Viagens website must only be made by people over 18 (eighteen) years of age, or minors with authorization from their legal representatives, and voluntary completion of the registration form converts the potential customer into a user of the benefits offered. By registering their data on the FlyBy Viagens website, the Individual user provides their personal data, such as full name, nationality, place of birth, date of birth, gender, ID and CPF numbers, landline and cell phone numbers, registers their “login” and password , inform your email address and bank details for possible receipt of funds. The Legal Entity user must provide the company name, CNPJ, address and details of their legal representative.

The absence of information prevents the carrying out of any commercial relationship with FlyBy Viagens, being certain that no data provided by the user will be provided to third parties, except to meet legal requirements, in which case FlyBy Viagens will cooperate and provide the Brazilian authorities with all requested information. The user may supplement, update, modify or include information whenever they deem necessary. By providing information, the user agrees to this Privacy Policy and authorizes the use of this information to carry out transactions requested by them, as well as authorizing the use of this information to have direct contact with FlyBy Viagens and, mainly, to make reservations of airline tickets issued by miles and process billing. The user can choose to receive “cookies” and “web beacons”, as well as data about their browsers and other systems, and such information will be collected by FlyBy Viagens to improve its services.


FlyBy Viagens, in strict compliance with Brazilian legislation, may complement its database with information obtained from other public sources, or by obtaining data collected through research and commercial campaigns, aiming to trace its user's profile and present the better offers, reducing the possibility of false profiles, guaranteeing the use of FlyBy Viagens for lawful purposes and in the strict terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy. FlyBy Viagens constantly invests in the search for the best techniques to protect the data and privacy of its users and does not sell its database to third parties.


The information contained in FlyBy Viagens' databases, especially that which identifies its users, will only be used for the purpose required by them, which may be the exchange, sale or purchase of miles for the purpose of purchasing airline tickets. Such information will be exclusively used by FlyBy Viagens representatives to carry out transactions required by users, such as issuing airline tickets, debits via bank slips or registered credit card, providing information and updating FlyBy Viagens promotions, or to comply with requests from authorities. Brazilian authorities, or judicial ones, to handle investigations, including administrative ones. Comments and insertions of information made by the user in the public sections of the FlyBy Viagens website will be available to other users and the general public, and FlyBy Viagens does not have any control over their use, which is why caution is recommended in their use.


All user personal information, as stated, can only be updated by the user, and it is their sole responsibility for its updating, veracity, authenticity and accuracy for the purpose for which it is intended. The user may request to be unsubscribed from the FlyBy Viagens database, or even cancel receiving commercial and promotional messages at any time, simply by accessing the “Unsubscribe” link always contained in the messages sent by FlyBy Viagens.


The user is aware that their identification for the FlyBy Viagens database (Login and password) gives access to the information they provide, which is personal and non-transferable, and they must ensure its confidentiality. The user is responsible for the operations carried out on their registered account, which can only be accessed with their identification (Login) and password, which they know exclusively. Any questions or relevant information can be shared with FLyBy Viagens through its Customer Service (SAC), which will deal with the request appropriately. Also, FlyBy Viagens will not disclose any user information to third parties without their express authorization. Any inadvertent disclosure to third parties, known to the user or FlyBy Viagens, must be reported through known means of communication, so that all appropriate measures can be taken to identify and mitigate risks to the user and/or FlyBy Viagens.


FlyBy Viagens has its own privacy policy, but may link to other websites in your area of interest and these may have their own privacy and data security policies. Therefore, FlyBy Viagens recommends that each user read such policies, especially cases of information sharing, in order to maintain knowledge of their interactions.


This Privacy Policy may be changed at any time, totally or partially replacing this one, and such changes will be informed to users and the general public.