General Terms and Conditions

1) Issue Deadline:
Tickets sold by FlyBy Viagens may take up to 3 working days to be issued. Normally, the issue occurs within 6 (six) hours. This occurs because they are issued using air miles/points, thus having a longer and more manual process.
2) Values and Availability:
Upon the payment, we start the issuance process and the values and availabilities may change and this way it is our consultant's responsibility to inform the customer and check possibilities such as: payment of the difference regarding the new amount, wait for the 3 working days deadline (values and availabilities may return to the original amount) or full refund.
3) Passenger Info:
It is the client's full responsibility to send their personal information as it is recorded in the travel document. Any discrepancies of information sent that may cause problems at check-in/boarding are from sole responsibility of the client and not of Flyby Viagens.
Eventually, there may be charges to perform changes regarding the original ticket information and these will be forwarded from Flyby Viagens to the customer. Any discrepancies caused by Flyby Viagens will be corrected with no costs to the customer.
4) Travel Documentation
It is the responsibility of the client to verify all requirements regarding the travel and/or boarding for all destinations and connections that involve his/her trip, either domestic or international flights, such as documentation, visas, health surveillance requirements, necessary vaccines, medical certificates and among other documentation that may be required.
In case there are passengers who are infants or minors, check previously all the documentation rules for boarding.
5) Voluntary alteration by our clients:
Tickets sold by FlyBy Travel can be changed with a charge of USD 450, using the same route, same airline company, fare difference applies if there are any and is according to availability.
Changes must be fulfilled and the schedule flows within 1 (one) year after the ticket's issuance date. Therefore, the last flight of a ticket must be used within 364 days of the date of issue of the respective ticket.
6) Refund/Cancellation:
It can be requested before boarding, the charge is 90% of the amount paid, therefore, the customer will receive 10% of the original amount paid with the same payment method.
Upon the start of the trip, no longer possible to request a refund.
7) Payment not completed:
In case the credit card transaction is not approved, the customer undertakes to indicate another payment method accepted by FlyBy Viagens. If not indicated within 48 (forty-eight) hours or the flight date, whichever occurs first, the ticket will be cancelled.
If charges are incurred by the Airline for canceling the ticket, they must be paid by the customer under penalty of being legally responsible for any collection thereof.
Flyby Viagens e Soluções Ltda acts as an intermediary platform by selling online tickets issued by using points/miles and has no interference regarding the particular conditions established by each airline company, therefore, it cannot change the rules or carry any responsibilities arising therefrom.
As a service intermediary for these points/miles, Flyby is commissioned for its service.
Flyby Services LLC