General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions – FB Travel

1) Issuance deadline:
Tickets sold by FlyBy Viagens may take up to 3 days to be issued. Normally, the emission occurs within 6 (six) hours. This occurs because they are issued using air machines/points, thus requiring a longer and more manual process.

2) Values and Availability:
Once the payment has been made, we begin the issuance process and the values and availabilities can change, in this way it is the responsibility of our advisor to inform the client and check possibilities such as: payment of the difference with respect to the new amount, wait for the period of 3 business days. (values and availability can be returned to the original quantity) full refund.

3) Passenger Information:
It is the customer's total responsibility to send their personal information as recorded on the travel document. Any discrepancies in the information sent that could cause problems during check-in/boarding are the sole responsibility of the customer and Flyby Viagens.
Occasionally, there may be charges that need to be changed in relation to the information on the original invoice and these will be sent from Flyby Viagens to the customer. Any discrepancy caused by Flyby Viagens will be resolved at no cost to the customer.

4) Travel documentation:
It is the customer's responsibility to check all requirements related to travel and/or boarding to all destinations and connections that involve their travel, whether national or international sea flights, such as documentation, visas, health surveillance requirements, necessary vaccines, certificates and among other documentation that may be requested.
If there are passengers who are children or minors, consult all the documentation rules for boarding in advance.

5) Voluntary change by our customers:
Tickets sold by FlyBy Travel can be changed with a charge of USD 450, using the same route, the same airline, applies a fare difference depending on availability.
The changes must be completed and the timetable will be released within 1 (one) year after the closing of the bill issuance. Therefore, the last flight of a bank slip must be used within 364 days following the close of issuance of the respective bank slip.

6) Refund/Cancellation:
If you can request it before boarding, the charge is 90% of the amount paid, therefore, the customer will receive the 10% of the original amount paid with the same payment method.

At the beginning of the trip, it is not possible to request a refund.

7) Paid upon completion:
If the transaction with credit card is not approved, the customer undertakes to indicate another payment method accepted by FlyBy Viagens. If it is not indicated within 48 (four hundred and eight) hours before the flight closes, the sooner the ticket is cancelled.

If the Aerolínea incurs charges due to the cancellation of the bill, the same must be paid by the customer at the penalty of being legally responsible for any similar charge.

Flyby Services LLC acts as an intermediary platform for the sale of online tickets issued through the use of points/miles and does not interfere with the particular conditions established by each airline, therefore, it cannot modify the rules or assume responsibilities arising from las mismas.

As a service intermediary for these points/mills, Flyby takes care of your service.


Travel FlyBy